Programming a Computer using Your Language

4765 days ago

This is an introduction to Vaklipi, a system that lets you write programs and give instructions to a computer using English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, French, Chinese, etc.

The Java command System.out.println(3×4+2) returns the answer 14. The same thing in Vaklipi would be What is 3 into 4 plus 2?

In German, it would be Was ist 3 mal 4 addiert zu 2?

Run program

Translate to: Kannada, English, Hindi, Tamil, French, German, Japanese or Chinese

  1. Use double quotes to quote something, not single quotes.
  2. Write numbers as roman numerals not as words.
  3. It doesn’t yet get coreferences (words like ‘it’ and ‘them’). Say ‘and increment x’, not ‘and increment it’.
  • Japanese & Chinese: Only pinyin & romaji are supported. Write と as ‘tho’.
  • Information: There is an infinite loop arrester present, with a limit of 1000 loops.
  • Limitations: The demo only supports 2 datatypes – numbers and strings. There are more on the way.

If you’re a beginner to programming, start at one of the following:

  1. Introduction: Learn about Vaklipi
  2. Output: Learn to write out messages in Vaklipi

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Cohan Sujay Carlos

Vaklipi, Corporate


Pocket Sphinx and Vaklipi

4799 days ago

Imagine a day when spoken language sentences can be recognized perfectly by a machine.

It suddenly becomes much easier and more natural to issue commands and pose queries in a natural language, rather than, say in XML. Imagine speaking a C program to someone, syntax and all. That would be really weird!

We recently evaluated spoken language programming by combining a speech recognizer with Vaklipi, our fifth generation programming language.

The results were frankly disappointing.

Here’s a sample conversation between me and my computer:

Cohan : b is equal to two.
Sphinx hears: b is e equal to two.
Vaklipi [error]: I can’t understand …
Cohan : b equals two.
Sphinx: b equals two.
Cohan : What is b.
Sphinx: What is 8.
Vaklipi : 8.0
Cohan : What is b.
Sphinx: What is b.
Vaklipi: 2.0

I think I’ll wait a few more years ;)

Cohan Sujay Carlos



Vaklipi Experiment

4833 days ago

Thanks to everyone who filled out the long and tedious questionnaire to help us evaluate the algorithms used in Vaklipi for a research paper.

The paper we submitted to IJCNLP in 2011 titled Natural Language Programming Using Class Sequential Rules was accepted to the conference, and so we traveled to Chiang Mai in Thailand in November 2011 to make an oral presentation of the paper to our peers.

Here is a demonstration of Vaklipi as a programming tool.

It contains ‘Fibonacci Number Generator’ programs in Hindi, Kannada and Tamil.

There are millions of students who study mainly in these languages, and they might some day be able to learn programming using systems such as VakLipi.

Here’s a demo of Vaklipi as a tool for translating math problems into other languages

Cohan Sujay Carlos

Data Collection,

Comment [8]



4842 days ago

Thanks to all the people filled out the surveys we sent out and helped evaluate Vaklipi. We also thank the people who helped us port the system to other languages like: Kannada (Ms. K. G. Padma Lekha, Mr. K. G. Srikanta Dani, Dr. K. R. Ganesha, and Mr. Rupesh Kumar G.), Tamil (Mrs. Linda Christy and Dr. S. Carlos), Hindi (Mr. Kartik Asooja of Aiaioo Labs and Mr. Chandra Bhan Asooja), French (M. Sammy Ben Rabah, M. Yann Jouanique et Mme. Fanny Jouanique), German (Hartmut Wege, Judith Klein und Deepica Rao), Chinese (under development – Dright Ho), Japanese (Jojo Baby), Polish (under development – Joanna Lupinska – Asia), Telugu (under development – Mrs. Meenakshi Jami).

Cohan Sujay Carlos




4842 days ago

Wenn Sie noch einen Rechner nicht programmiert haben, koennen Sie vielleicht den folgenden ‘examples’ benutzen, um Programmierung zu lernen.


Zuerst, mann kann ‘weil’ und ‘wenn’ wie immer benutzen.

x ist 2. Wenn x mal 3 weniger als 5 ist, schreib “Hallo” sonst schreib “Tschuess”!

program run()
x ist 2. Wenn x mal 3 groesser als 5 ist, schreib “Hallo” sonst schreib “Tschuess”! Hallo
x ist 2. Wenn x plus 3 kleiner als 4 ist, schreib “Hallo” sonst schreib “Tschuess”! Tschuess

Run test


Und wenn einen ‘loop’ noetig ist, benutzt mann waehrend.

y ist gleich 0. x ist gleich 1. während x ist weniger als 5, y wird y plus x. Danach erhöhe x.

program variable run()
y ist gleich 0. x ist gleich 1. während x ist weniger als 5, y wird y plus x. Danach erhöhe x. y 10.0
y ist gleich 0. x ist gleich 1. während x ist weniger als 5, y wird y plus x und erhöhe x. y 10.0

Run test

You can learn programming with Vaklipi in the following pages:

  1. Introduction: Learn about Vaklipi
  2. Output: Learn to write out messages in Vaklipi
  3. Declarations: Learn to set the value of a variable
  4. Operators: Learn to do addition, multiplication, division etc.
  5. Conditionals: Learn to take specify the conditions for performing certain steps.
  6. Looping: Learn to repeat steps till some condition is satisfied.
  7. Jumping: Learn to jump to some point in the code.
  8. Functions: Learn to issue an command.
  9. Constructors: Learn to create an object of a certain type.
  10. Selectors: Learn to refer to a real world object.

Cohan Sujay Carlos

User Guides, Vaklipi



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